由于即将到来的消费物价指数数据和外国资金的流动,印度股票市场面临不确定性。 Indian stock markets face uncertainty due to upcoming CPI data and foreign fund movements.
预计印度股票市场仍将对公司收入、消费物价指数和WPI通货膨胀等宏观经济数据以及外国资金流出保持敏感。 Indian stock markets are expected to remain sensitive to corporate earnings, macroeconomic data like CPI and WPI inflation, and foreign fund outflows. 印度12月消费物价指数数据定于1月13日公布, 将指导利率预期及市场情绪。 Investors will closely watch India's CPI data for December, set for release on January 13, which will guide interest rate expectations and market sentiment. 由于正在进行的纠正阶段, 信息技术,快速消费品和制药行业相对有弹性, 而其他行业面临压力. The ongoing corrective phase sees IT, FMCG, and pharma sectors as relatively resilient, while other sectors face pressure.