世贸组织通过了保护土著知识和文化的条约,要求在专利和设计中披露源头。 WTO adopted treaties to protect Indigenous knowledge and culture by requiring disclosure of origins in patents and designs.
2024年,世界知识产权组织通过了两项保护土著知识和文化的条约。 The World Intellectual Property Organization adopted two treaties in 2024 to protect Indigenous knowledge and culture. 《知识产权、遗传资源和有关传统知识条约》和《利雅得设计法条约》都要求申请人披露遗传资源和传统设计的来源。 The Treaty on Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge (GRT) and the Riyadh Design Law Treaty (DLT) both require applicants to disclose the origin of genetic resources and traditional designs. 虽然GRT侧重于专利,但DLT则涉及设计权,两者都旨在防止盗用土著文化表达方式。 While the GRT focuses on patents, the DLT pertains to design rights, both aiming to prevent the misappropriation of Indigenous cultural expressions.