IIT Kanpur在2024年创下了152份新的知识产权申报记录, IIT Kanpur set a record with 152 new intellectual property filings in 2024, highlighting innovation in tech and medicine.
IIT Kanpur在2024年创下了记录,提交了152份知识产权申请,使总数达到1 200份。 IIT Kanpur set a record in 2024 by filing 152 intellectual property rights (IPRs), bringing their total to 1,200. 档案包括124个专利,10个设计注册,2个版权和6个商标,专利在美国、中国和欧洲提出。 The filings include 124 patents, 10 design registrations, two copyrights, and six trademarks, with patents filed in the US, China, and Europe. 关键创新包括医疗和纳米技术设备,该研究所许可使用7项技术并推出2项产品。 Key innovations include medical and nanotechnology devices, and the institute licensed seven technologies and launched two products. IIT Kanpur还因其技术转让努力获得了STEM影响奖。 IIT Kanpur also received the STEM Impact Award for its technology transfer efforts.