新的数据显示,许多加拿大图书馆的借贷名单中,妇女小说书籍居首位。 Women's fiction books top the borrowing lists in many Canadian libraries, new data shows.
根据最近的数据,妇女小说是加拿大若干图书馆中最借来的流派之一。 Women's fiction is among the most borrowed genres in several Canadian libraries, according to recent data. 这一趋势突出表明,这种流派继续受到欢迎,其名称往往占流通名单的主导地位。 This trend highlights the continued popularity of the genre, with titles often dominating circulation lists. 这些数据反映了加拿大各种图书馆系统的借款习惯,表明读者强烈偏爱妇女虚构。 The data reflects borrowing habits across various Canadian library systems, indicating a strong reader preference for women's fiction.