由于社会化、榜样和生产力压力,男子较少可能读小说。 Men less likely to read novels due to socialization, role models, and productivity pressure.
由于阅读缺乏社会化,其他男子缺乏阅读榜样,以及内化的压力是“产生作用”,而不是通过虚构被动地体验他人的生活,因此男子可能不像妇女那样看小说。 Men may not read novels as much as women due to lack of socialization in reading, absence of reading role models among other men, and internalized pressure to be "productive" rather than passively experiencing the lives of others through fiction. 文学作品可以让人接触到各种各样的经历, Novels provide exposure to the variety of human experiences and can help individuals feel more free to create their own path in life. 作者建议,人们不应注重生产力,而应设法保持安静和反省,这可以通过阅读一本小说深入他人的生活来实现。 The author suggests that instead of focusing on productivity, people should try to be quiet and reflective, which can be achieved through immersing oneself in the lives of others by reading a novel.