格鲁吉亚议会委员会推翻了总统对“外国代理人”立法的否决,这使媒体自由和欧盟前景面临风险。 Georgian parliament committee overrides presidential veto on 'foreign agents' legislation, risking media freedom and EU prospects.
格鲁吉亚议会委员会拒绝了总统对引起争议的“外国代理人”立法的否决,并计划于周二进行投票,以可能推翻该否决。 Georgian parliament committee rejects presidential veto of divisive 'foreign agents' legislation, setting up a vote on Tuesday to potentially override the veto. 批评人士认为,此举与俄罗斯控制独立新闻媒体、非营利组织和批评克里姆林宫的活动人士的措施如出一辙,有可能进一步阻碍媒体自由和格鲁吉亚加入欧盟的前景。 This move risks further obstructing media freedom and Georgia's EU prospects, as critics argue it mirrors Russia's measures to control independent news media, nonprofits, and activists critical of the Kremlin. 该法律要求,拥有超过20%外国预算资金的组织必须注册为“执行外国利益”。 The law requires organizations with over 20% foreign budget funding to register as "carrying out the interests of a foreign power."