英国研究人员对百岁老人数据的准确性提出质疑,并引述了贫困地区保存记录方面的问题。 UK researcher questions accuracy of data on centenarians, citing issues in record-keeping from poor regions.
来自伦敦大学学院的一位研究员声称,有关生活在100多年以上的人的数据,包括所谓的“蓝区”的数据,往往不准确。 A researcher from University College London claims that data on people living to over 100 years, including the so-called "blue zones," is often inaccurate. 他的研究发现,许多长寿的人来自健康不良和贫穷率高的地区,提出了保存记录的问题。 His study found that many long-lived individuals come from areas with poor health and high poverty, suggesting issues with record-keeping. 研究人员认为,体格测量年龄对于核实极端长寿的说法至关重要,对以拥有大量百岁老人而闻名的这些地区的数据的可靠性提出了挑战。 The researcher argues that physically measuring ages is crucial for verifying claims of extreme longevity, challenging the reliability of the data in these regions known for having a high number of centenarians.