研究发现,根据种族和地点,美国预期寿命相差20多岁。 U.S. life expectancy varies by over 20 years based on race and location, study finds.
根据种族和地区, 美国人平均寿命有20多年的差异. A recent study in The Lancet shows that life expectancy in the U.S. varies by over 20 years based on race and location. 在大流行病头两年,这一差距扩大,达到20.4年。 The gap widened during the first two years of the pandemic, reaching 20.4 years. 亚裔美国人的预期寿命最高,为84岁,而西部美洲印第安人和阿拉斯加原住民的预期寿命最低,为63.6岁。 Asian Americans have the highest life expectancy at 84 years, while American Indians and Alaska Natives in the West have the lowest at 63.6 years. 研究人员将这些差异归咎于资源和机会分配不均,并呼吁公平投资于保健、教育和就业。 Researchers blame unequal distribution of resources and opportunities for these disparities and call for equitable investments in healthcare, education, and employment.