美国寻求关于自治车辆的联邦准则,以解决各州法律不一致的问题,并推动收养。 US seeks federal guidelines for autonomous vehicles to address state law inconsistencies and boost adoption.
美国与各州关于自治车辆的法律不一致的斗争,使得广泛采用的做法复杂化。 The US struggles with inconsistent state laws for autonomous vehicles, complicating widespread adoption. Waymo和Tesla等公司寻求联邦的指导。 Companies like Waymo and Tesla seek federal guidance. 前DOT监察长Eric Soskin提出了兼顾创新与安全的联邦标准,包括基于绩效的标准、网络安全措施和明确的责任规则,以缓解消费者的关切并鼓励使用AV。 Eric Soskin, a former DOT inspector general, proposes federal standards that balance innovation with safety, including performance-based criteria, cybersecurity measures, and clear liability rules to ease consumer concerns and encourage AV use.