威廉王子庆祝将近一千名被贩运的乌龟和狐猴返回马达加斯加。 Prince William celebrates return of nearly 1,000 trafficked tortoises and lemurs to Madagascar.
威廉王子赞扬了打击非法野生动植物贩运取得的重大胜利,有近1 000个濒危乌龟和狐猴返回马达加斯加。 Prince William praised a major victory against illegal wildlife trafficking, with nearly 1,000 endangered tortoises and lemurs returned to Madagascar. 这些动物在泰国被从贩运者手中解救出来,这标志着规模最大的这类遣返行动之一。 The animals were rescued from traffickers in Thailand, marking one of the largest repatriations of its kind. 这次行动涉及联合国、美国鱼类和野生生物服务处、野生生物司法委员会和威廉王子野生动物联合会方案,展示了国际合作在保护濒危物种方面的影响。 The operation involved the United Nations, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Wildlife Justice Commission, and Prince William's United for Wildlife program, showcasing the impact of international cooperation in protecting endangered species.