NTSB将造成20人受伤的夏威夷航空公司35号航班动荡归咎于飞行员在暴风雨中飞行。 NTSB blames Hawaiian Airlines Flight 35 turbulence, which injured 20, on pilots flying over a storm.
国家交通安全委员会(NTSB)将2022年12月夏威夷航空公司35号航班的严重动荡归咎于飞行员决定飞越暴风室, The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) blamed the severe turbulence on Hawaiian Airlines Flight 35 in December 2022 on the pilots' decision to fly over a storm cell instead of diverting around it. 这起事件造成20名乘客和机组人员受伤,其中4人受重伤。 The incident injured 20 passengers and crew members, including four with serious injuries. NTSB发现,尽管有恶劣天气的警告,船员还是选择飞过暴风雨,造成小木屋损坏和足以造成多人受伤的剧烈动荡。 The NTSB found that despite warnings of severe weather, the crew chose to fly through the storm, leading to cabin damage and turbulence strong enough to cause multiple injuries.