53岁的Newark警官Jairo Rodriguez在指挥交通时被一名值班外中士击中后死亡。 Newark police officer Jairo Rodriguez, 53, died after being hit by an off-duty sergeant while directing traffic.
53岁的纽瓦克警官Jairo Rodriguez, 被一名值班警察中士致命击中, Newark police officer Jairo Rodriguez, 53, was fatally struck by an off-duty police sergeant while directing traffic outside the Prudential Center early Thursday morning. Rodriguez于2022年加入该部门,在凌晨12点44分事件后不久被宣布死亡。 Rodriguez, who joined the department in 2022, was pronounced dead shortly after the 12:44 a.m. incident. 在Essex县检察官办公室进行调查时,军士长的身份被隐瞒。 The sergeant's identity is being withheld as the Essex County Prosecutor's Office investigates. 市长Ras Baraka和公共安全主任Emanuel Miranda表示哀悼,并赞扬Rodriguez的献身精神。 Mayor Ras Baraka and Public Safety Director Emanuel Miranda expressed condolences and praised Rodriguez's dedication.