9岁的男孩和狱警在NJ的维内兰摩托车和SUV碰撞中丧生。 9-year-old boy and corrections officer killed in motorcycle-SUV collision in Vineland, NJ.
在新泽西州维内兰发生的一次悲剧性车辆碰撞造成9岁男孩和31岁的惩戒干事Adiel A. Ortiz死亡。 A tragic vehicle collision in Vineland, New Jersey, resulted in the deaths of 9-year-old boy and 31-year-old corrections officer Addiel A. Ortiz. 事故发生时 Ortiz的摩托车撞上了 切夫罗莱特Traverse 左转向Joseph E. Romano体育综合体。 The accident occurred when Ortiz's motorcycle collided with a Chevrolet Traverse making a left turn into the Joseph E. Romano Sports Complex. Ortiz和SUV的乘客男孩在现场被宣布死亡。 Ortiz and the boy, a passenger in the SUV, were pronounced dead at the scene. 事件正在调查之中,没有提出任何指控。 The incident is under investigation, and no charges have been filed.