新西兰部长调整节假日改革,以采用按小时计算的年假制度。 New Zealand's minister adjusts holiday reform to use an hours-based system for annual leave.
新西兰工作场所关系和安全部长Brooke van Velden根据反馈意见改变了《假日法》改革的方向。 New Zealand's Workplace Relations and Safety Minister, Brooke van Velden, has shifted the direction of the Holidays Act reform based on feedback. 新的办法侧重于按小时计算年假应计额,以简化雇主和雇员的制度。 The new approach focuses on an hours-based accrual for annual leave to simplify the system for both employers and employees. 尽管有这些变化,van Velden仍打算在本议会任期结束前通过一项新法律,预计内阁将于2025年作出决定。 Despite the change, van Velden aims to pass a new Act by the end of the current parliamentary term, with Cabinet decisions expected in 2025.