印度尼西亚总统计划赦免44 000名囚犯,以缓解拥挤状况和促进和平。 Indonesian President plans to pardon 44,000 prisoners to ease overcrowding and promote peace.
印度尼西亚总统普拉博沃·苏比安托(Prabowo Subianto)计划赦免约44 000名囚犯(占全国囚犯人口的30%),以缓解过度拥挤状况,促进和平,尤其是在巴布亚。 Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto plans to pardon about 44,000 prisoners, or 30% of the country's inmate population, to ease overcrowding and promote peace, especially in Papua. 大赦包括因诽谤、仇恨言论和批评政府而入狱的活动分子,以及慢性病患者和非贩毒罪犯。 The amnesty includes activists jailed for defamation, hate speech, and criticizing the government, as well as those with chronic illnesses and non-dealing drug offenders. 政府正在最后确定该计划,并将与议会讨论该计划。 The government is finalizing the plan and will discuss it with parliament.