生态波能为波能项目担保3M元 准备在美国洛杉矶港首发 Eco Wave Power secures $3M for wave energy projects, poised to debut in the U.S. at the Port of Los Angeles.
生态波电公司已完成了300万美元的筹资回合,以推进其波能项目,包括其在葡萄牙的首个商业规模安装项目。 Eco Wave Power has completed a $3 million funding round to advance its wave energy projects, including its first commercial-scale installation in Portugal. 该公司的技术将波流转换成电力,现在将在壳牌公司的支持下,在美国洛杉矶港安装第一个项目。 The company's technology converts wave motion into electricity and is now set to install its first project in the U.S. at the Port of Los Angeles, with support from Shell. 生态波电公司旨在沿美国海岸开发更多场地,潜在项目共404.7兆瓦。 Eco Wave Power aims to develop more sites along the U.S. coast, totaling 404.7 MW in potential projects.