加纳邀请投资者开发风能和潮汐能,旨在增加可再生能源和减少排放。 Ghana invites investors to develop wind and tidal energy, aiming to boost renewables and cut emissions.
加纳正在邀请投资者发展风能和潮汐能源部门,以增加可再生能源并减少排放。 Ghana is inviting investors to develop its wind and tidal wave energy sectors to boost renewable energy and cut emissions. 研究表明沿海风速大有希望,该国已制定政策吸引投资。 Studies show promising wind speeds along its coast, and the country has established policies to attract investment. 加纳还计划到2025年安装5兆瓦波能系统,旨在减少排放,支持向电动汽车和烹饪过渡。 Ghana also plans to install a 5MW wave energy system by 2025, aiming to reduce emissions and support transitions to electric vehicles and cooking.