两所美国大学正在开发波浪能源技术,以促进清洁发电和海洋研究。 Two U.S. universities are developing wave energy technology to boost clean power and ocean research.
Hawai'i大学正在通过由美国能源部资助的TEAMER方案开发波浪能源技术,以支持海洋研究和飓风监测。 The University of Hawai'i is developing wave energy technology through the TEAMER program, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, to support ocean research and hurricane monitoring. 同时,密歇根大学收到一笔500万美元的赠款,用于提高耐久性,减少波浪和离岸风能装置的噪音,目的是使海洋能源更加可靠和环保。 Meanwhile, the University of Michigan received a $5 million grant to enhance durability and reduce noise in wave and offshore wind energy devices, aiming to make marine energy more reliable and environmentally friendly. 这两个项目都增强了海洋能源作为清洁电源的潜力。 Both projects advance the potential of ocean energy as a clean power source.