荷兰法院维持50亿美元对俄罗斯在克里米亚扣押乌克兰资产的裁决。 Dutch court upholds $5 billion ruling against Russia for Ukrainian assets seized in Crimea.
荷兰最高法院维持了一项裁决,要求俄罗斯向乌克兰的Naftogaz支付50亿美元,以支付其在2014年被兼并后在克里米亚扣押的资产。 The Dutch Supreme Court has upheld a ruling requiring Russia to pay $5 billion to Ukraine's Naftogaz for assets seized in Crimea following its annexation in 2014. 俄罗斯的上诉被驳回,这加强了常设仲裁法院2023年4月的决定。 Russia's appeals have been dismissed, reinforcing the Permanent Court of Arbitration's decision made in April 2023. 此项裁决允许Naftogaz在国际上寻求执行赔偿。 This ruling allows Naftogaz to seek enforcement of the compensation internationally.