由于大雪,内华达州内华达州I-80和50号公路的链条管制因大雪而执行,预期会更多。 Chain controls are enforced on I-80 and Highway 50 in the Sierra Nevada due to heavy snowfall, with more expected.
由于新降雪,内华达州际80号公路和内华达州里50号公路的链条管制生效,降雪达4 500英尺。 Chain controls are in effect on Interstate 80 and Highway 50 in the Sierra Nevada due to fresh snowfall, with snow levels reaching 4,500 feet. Caltrans建议司机在具体路段的轮胎上设置链条。 Caltrans advises drivers to have chains on their tires in specific sections. 预计雨和雪将持续到周末,造成延误,并敦促旅行者为潮湿和下雪条件做好准备。 Rain and snow are expected to continue through the weekend, causing delays and urging travelers to prepare for wet and snowy conditions. 一辆联邦快递卡车有旋转装置,但没有人员受伤的报告。 A FedEx truck had a spinout but no injuries were reported.