由于加利福尼亚冬季的危险条件,对I-80和US-50实施链控管。 Chain controls enforced on I-80 and US-50 due to dangerous winter conditions in California.
由于冬季天气危险,加利福尼亚高速公路巡逻队对I-80和US-50等高速公路实施了连锁控制,造成交通阻塞和车辆抛锚。 The California Highway Patrol has enforced chain controls on highways like I-80 and US-50 due to hazardous winter weather, causing traffic halts and vehicle spinouts. 建议司机谨慎驾驶,为冬季装备车辆,并检查道路状况和关闭情况的最新情况。 Drivers are advised to drive cautiously, equip their vehicles for winter, and check for updates on road conditions and closures. I-80具体路段的连锁要求已经到位,估计没有时间重新开放受影响的路线。 Chain requirements are in place for specific sections of I-80, and there's no estimated time for reopening the affected routes.