在Siskiyou高峰会附近,I-5型卡车撞车,造成延误;所有车道现在都开通。 Crash with jackknifed trucks on I-5 near Siskiyou Summit caused delays; all lanes now open.
在俄勒冈州Siskiyou高峰会附近,有几辆卡车在I-5上撞车,造成两方向的延误。 A crash involving several jackknifed trucks on I-5 near Siskiyou Summit in Oregon caused delays in both directions. 在南方的11英里站和北方的俄勒冈-加利福尼亚边境设置了临时停留点. Temporary holds were placed at milepost 11 southbound and at the Oregon-California border northbound. 根据最新消息,所有车道都已重新开放,但俄勒冈州交通部建议司机携带铁链,并检查5-1-1,以适应当前状况,因为这些车道可能会迅速变化。 As of the latest update, all lanes have reopened, but the Oregon Department of Transportation advises drivers to carry chains and check 5-1-1 for current conditions, as they may change rapidly.