加拿大艾伯塔州艾伯塔,组建一支29M的巡逻部队,以解决美国对边境安全的关切。 Alberta, Canada, forms a $29M patrol unit to address U.S. concerns over border security.
加拿大阿尔伯塔省正在设立一支价值2900万美元的巡逻部队, 以加强与蒙大拿州298公里的边界的安全, 作为对美国当选总统特朗普威胁要征收关税的回应, 除非加拿大采取行动打击毒品贩运和非法移民. Alberta, Canada, is creating a $29 million patrol unit to enhance security along its 298-kilometer border with Montana, in response to threats by U.S. President-elect Donald Trump to impose tariffs unless Canada takes action against drug trafficking and illegal immigration. 该单位称为拦截巡逻队,将包括51名警长、4名缉毒犬、10架冷天无人机和4名毒品分析员。 The unit, called the Interdiction Patrol Team, will include 51 sheriffs, four drug-sniffing dogs, 10 cold-weather drones, and four narcotics analyzers. 以两公里计的关键边界地带将使治安官能够在没有逮捕令的情况下逮捕贩毒、走私火器或未经许可越境的人。 A two-kilometer critical border zone will allow sheriffs to make arrests without warrants for drug trafficking, firearm smuggling, or unauthorized border crossings.