德国选举前紧张局势加剧, 抗议活动推迟了极右翼党的代表大会. Protests delay far-right AfD party convention as Germany tensions rise before election.
德国极右选择党(AfD)于本周末举行大会, 面对数千名示威者的大规模抗议。 The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party held a convention this weekend, facing large protests from thousands of demonstrators. 抗议活动推迟了会议开始时间, 突显了德国准备在下个月举行即时大选时政局日益紧张。 The protests delayed the start of the meeting and highlighted growing political tensions as Germany prepares for a snap general election next month. 民主联盟的激进计划和公众的反弹都反映出选举的激烈讨论。 Both the AfD's radical program and the public backlash reflect the intensifying discourse heading into the election.