SWAT警官开枪打死武装嫌疑犯,他们向拉斯维加斯一家旅馆的警官提出指控。 SWAT officer shoots and kills armed suspect who charged at officers at a Las Vegas hotel.
拉斯维加斯市警察局一名SWAT警官Zachary Adam星期日在南点酒店和赌场开枪打死一名武装嫌疑人。 此人用枪从旅馆房间离开,对警察提出指控。 A Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department SWAT officer, Zachary Adam, shot and killed an armed suspect at the South Point Hotel and Casino on Sunday after the man exited his hotel room with a gun and charged at officers. Adam, 自2006年起45岁的军官, 正在休行政假等候调查。 Adam, a 45-year-old officer since 2006, is on administrative leave pending investigation. 事发开始时,有报告说旅馆房间里有一名自杀男子。 The incident began with reports of a suicidal man in the hotel room.