在拉斯维加斯东南部,一名警官在2024年第9次与警察有关的枪击中,枪杀了一名持枪男子,在公寓楼内威胁居民。 In southeast Las Vegas, a police officer fatally shot an armed man threatening residents at an apartment complex, marking the 9th officer-involved shooting in 2024.
在拉斯维加斯东南部,一名警官在回应关于一名携带棒球棍的男子在公寓楼内敲门把手和威胁居民的报告时,开枪打死了一名男子。 In southeast Las Vegas, a police officer fatally shot a man armed with a baseball bat while responding to reports of him trying door handles and threatening residents at an apartment complex. 尽管多次试图用电击枪制服他,但此人没有服从。 Despite multiple attempts to subdue him with a stun gun, the man did not comply. 这起事件标志着2024年在拉斯维加斯发生的 第九起涉案军官枪击事件 This incident marks the ninth officer-involved shooting in Las Vegas in 2024. 该警官的身份将在48小时内公布,调查正在进行中。 The officer's identity will be released within 48 hours, and an investigation is ongoing.