韩国前国防部长在戒严令引发的政治危机中企图在监狱中自杀。 South Korea's former Defense Minister attempts suicide in jail amid political crisis over martial law.
韩国前国防部长金容贤(Kim Yong Hyun)在拘留期间企图自杀,原因是他被指控参与了尹锡悦总统未果的戒严令。 South Korea's former Defense Minister, Kim Yong Hyun, attempted suicide in detention over his alleged role in the failed declaration of martial law by President Yoon Suk Yeol. 反对党民主党(Democratic Party)计划提交一项新动议,弹劾尹锡悦总统,因为尹锡悦宣布戒严令违宪,该法案扰乱了韩国政治和金融市场。 The opposition Democratic Party plans to submit a new motion to impeach President Yoon over the unconstitutional declaration of martial law, which has disrupted South Korean politics and financial markets. 金正恩是第一个因参与叛乱和滥用权力指控而被捕的人。 Kim was the first to be arrested for his involvement in the rebellion and abuse of power allegations.