韩国总统宣布有争议的戒严令后,韩国官员集体辞职。 South Korean officials resign en masse after president's controversial martial law declaration.
韩国总统高级幕僚和内阁部长在尹锡悦总统短暂宣布戒严后提出集体辞职,该声明后来被国民议会撤销。 South Korea's senior presidential staff and cabinet ministers have offered to resign en masse following President Yoon Suk-yeol's brief declaration of martial law, which was later revoked by the National Assembly. 反对党呼吁尹锡悦辞职或就此事件弹劾尹锡悦,指责他滥用职权。 The opposition party is calling for Yoon's resignation or impeachment over the incident, accusing him of abusing his power. 尹锡悦曾声称戒严令对于打击他所说的“反国家势力”是必要的,但此举引发了广泛的抗议和批评。 Yoon had claimed the martial law was necessary to combat what he termed "anti-state forces," but the move sparked widespread protest and criticism.