韩国总统尹锡悦因宣布戒严而面临叛国罪和旅行禁令。 South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol faces treason charges and a travel ban over declaring martial law.
韩国总统尹锡悦因短暂宣布戒严而面临叛国罪调查,引发政治动荡。 South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol faces investigation for treason over his brief declaration of martial law, causing political turmoil. 尹锡悦和主要官员已被实施旅行禁令,因为警察、检察官和反腐败机构正在调查可能的叛乱指控。 A travel ban has been imposed on Yoon and key officials as police, prosecutors, and an anti-corruption agency probe possible rebellion charges. 反对派计划弹劾尹锡悦,尹锡悦已道歉,但面临持续的政治压力。 The opposition plans to impeach Yoon, who has apologized but faces continued political pressure.