韩国总统尹锡悦在政治动荡中宣布并随后解除戒严令。 South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol declared and then lifted martial law amid political unrest.
韩国总统尹锡悦短暂宣布戒严,指责反国家势力威胁国家稳定,尽管他在国民议会投票推翻该宣言后解除了戒严令。 South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol briefly declared martial law, accusing anti-state forces of threatening national stability, though he lifted it after the National Assembly voted to overturn the declaration. 此举受到立法者和公民的批评,标志着韩国 40 多年来首次使用戒严令。 This move, criticized by lawmakers and citizens, marked South Korea's first use of martial law in over 40 years. 尹锡悦的支持率一直很低,自 2022 年上任以来,他一直面临政治斗争。 Yoon's approval ratings have been low, and he has faced political struggles since taking office in 2022.