在柬埔寨水域捕到的六条巨型鱼很少,为濒危物种带来了希望。 Rare catch of six giant catfish in Cambodian waters offers hope for critically endangered species.
柬埔寨水域在5天的时间里,稀有的捕获了6条巨型鱼,其中一些鱼重达120公斤,增加了对濒危物种的希望。 Cambodian waters saw a rare catch of six giant catfish, some weighing up to 120 kg, over five days, raising hopes for the critically endangered species. 由内华达里诺大学Zeb Hogan领导、美国支持的湄公河项目奇迹,在采集DNA样本后标记并释放了鱼。 The U.S.-backed Wonders of the Mekong project, led by Zeb Hogan of the University of Nevada Reno, tagged and released the fish after collecting DNA samples. 这一成功标志着该项目和当地社区25年的养护努力。 This success marks 25 years of conservation efforts by the project and local communities.