柬埔寨湄公河三次发现巨型掠食性鱼类。 2005-extinct giant predatory fish spotted three times in Cambodia's Mekong River.
一种据信自 2005 年以来就灭绝的巨型掠食性鱼类已在柬埔寨的湄公河中被发现过三次。 A giant predatory fish, believed extinct since 2005, has been spotted three times in Cambodia's Mekong River. 鱼的下下巴和眼睛周围的黄色斑点上 有着独特的弯曲 鱼可以长到4英尺长 Known for a distinct knob on its lower jaw and yellow patches around its eyes, the fish can grow up to 4 feet long. 最近的目击事件为它在工业污染、过度捕捞和 700 多座阻碍物种迁徙的大坝的威胁中生存带来了希望。 Recent sightings offer hope for its survival amid threats from industrial pollution, overfishing, and over 700 dams that impede migratory species. 研究人员的目标是与泰国和老挝的当地社区合作,调查其在河中的存在。 Researchers aim to collaborate with local communities in Thailand and Laos to investigate its presence in the river.