3 月 19 日,密苏里州渔民乔治·钱斯 (George Chance) 捕获了一条 97 磅重的鳙鱼,创造了州纪录和世界纪录。 Missouri fisherman George Chance caught a 97-lb bighead carp, setting a state and world record on March 19th.
3 月 19 日,密苏里州渔民乔治·钱斯 (George Chance) 在密西西比河捕获一条 97 磅重的鳙鱼,创造了新的州纪录和世界纪录。 Missouri fisherman George Chance set a new state and world record by catching a 97-pound bighead carp from the Mississippi River on March 19th. 此前的州纪录是2004年捕获的一条80磅重的鳙鱼。 The previous state record was an 80-pound bighead carp caught in 2004. 鳙鱼是一种来自亚洲的入侵物种,密苏里州环境保护部鼓励捕捞鳙鱼,以帮助减少密苏里州水域的鳙鱼数量。 Bighead carp, an invasive species from Asia, are encouraged to be harvested by the Missouri Department of Conservation to help reduce their population in Missouri waters.