Rapper Slowthai和同案被告在牛津2021年一次表演后因被指控强奸而面临审判。 Rapper Slowthai and co-defendant face trial for alleged rapes after a 2021 Oxford performance.
Rapper Slowthai(Tyron Frampton)和共同被告Alex Blake-Walker正在牛津刑事法院受审,罪名是2021年9月8日在牛津演出后发生的强奸。 Rapper Slowthai (Tyron Frampton) and co-defendant Alex Blake-Walker are on trial at Oxford Crown Court for alleged rapes that occurred after a performance in Oxford on September 8, 2021. 检察官敦促陪审团注重证据和无视陈规陋习,而辩方则认为申诉人的陈述不可靠。 The prosecutor urged the jury to focus on evidence and disregard stereotypes, while the defense argued the complainants' accounts were unreliable. 预计陪审团将很快作出判决。 The jury is expected to deliver its verdicts soon. Slowthai的妻子,流行歌手Anne-Marie 在审判期间一直支持他 Slowthai's wife, pop singer Anne-Marie, has been supporting him during the trial.