Rapper Slowthai和同案被告因强奸指控面临审判;审判从牛津开始。 Rapper Slowthai and a co-accused face trial for rape charges; trial begins in Oxford.
格莱美提名的说唱歌手Slowthai,真名Tyron Frampton, 和共同被告亚历克斯·布莱克-沃克面临着两名涉及两名女性的强奸和性侵犯指控的审判. Grammy-nominated rapper Slowthai, real name Tyron Frampton, and co-accused Alex Blake-Walker are facing trial for rape and sexual assault charges involving two women. 所指称的事件发生在2021年9月8日, The alleged incidents took place on September 8, 2021, after a concert in Oxford. 两名男子都否认指控。 Both men deny the charges. 审判预计将持续三周,从牛津刑事法院开始,由Slowthai在其妻子Anne-Marie歌手Anne-Marie的帮助下进行。 The trial, expected to last up to three weeks, began at Oxford Crown Court, with Slowthai supported by his wife, singer Anne-Marie. 法官指示陪审团避免讨论案件或使用与审判有关的媒体。 The judge instructed the jury to avoid discussing the case or consuming media related to the trial.