T. I. Tiny在加州成功驳回了一起毫无根据的性侵案。 T.I. and Tiny successfully won dismissal of a baseless sexual assault case in California.
说唱歌手 T.I. Rapper T.I. 他的妻子Tiny赢得了在加利福尼亚对他们提起的性攻击案的驳回,因为法院同意这些申诉是毫无根据的。 and his wife Tiny have won the dismissal of a sexual assault case filed against them in California, as the court agreed that the claims were baseless. 这对夫妇在2005年1月因一起事件而面临单独诉讼,他们也否认这一诉讼,目前还悬而未决。 The couple had faced a separate lawsuit in January over a 2005 incident, which they also denied and is still pending. 解职符合他们的说法,即指控是虚假的,目的是敲诈勒索。 The dismissal aligns with their claims that the allegations were false and aimed at extortion.