马里兰州州长韦斯摩尔(Wes Moore)在多数州居民的支持下,推动杂货店销售啤酒和葡萄酒。 Maryland Governor Wes Moore pushes for beer and wine sales in grocery stores, backed by most state residents.
马里兰州州长Wes Moore主张允许杂货店销售啤酒和葡萄酒, Maryland Governor Wes Moore advocates for allowing beer and wine sales in grocery stores, a move supported by most Marylanders and common in neighboring states. 支持者认为这将提振经济, 帮助解决粮食沙漠问题, 而反对者则担心对社区和小企业的影响。 Proponents argue it will boost the economy and help address food deserts, while opponents worry about the impact on communities and small businesses. 尽管一些立法者对保护现有企业表示担忧,但摩尔力求在本届会议结束前通过立法。 Moore aims to have legislation passed by the end of the session, despite concerns from some lawmakers about protecting existing businesses.