纽约州长Kathy Hoghul签署立法,允许小生产者在州内外直接运输手工艺饮料。 New York Governor Kathy Hochul signed legislation permitting direct shipping of craft beverages by small producers within and outside the state.
纽约州州长凯西·霍楚尔(Kathy Hochul)签署了一项立法,允许烈酒、苹果酒和蜂蜜酒的小型工艺品制造商直接将其产品运送给纽约境内外的客户。 New York Governor Kathy Hochul has signed legislation allowing small craft manufacturers of spirits, cider, and mead to directly ship their products to customers within and outside of New York. 这一变化旨在支持日益增长的手工艺饮料业,为小生产者提供进入新市场的机会,促进经济增长,并保持纽约作为手工艺饮料国家领先者的地位。 This change aims to support the growing craft beverage industry, provide opportunities for small producers to reach new markets, foster economic growth, and maintain New York's position as a national leader in craft beverages. 该法还允许制造商扩大销售渠道,从而有可能将其产品存放在全国各地的储存架上。 The law also permits manufacturers to expand distribution channels, potentially leading to their products being available on store shelves across the country. 这些措施最初是在COVID-19大流行期间采取的,在没有报告违规的情况下证明是成功的,导致永久颁布。 The measures were initially introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic, proving successful without reported violations, leading to the permanent enactment.