马歇尔县,阿拉巴马州, 投票73% 结束它的干燥状态, 允许全县的酒精销售。 Marshall County, Alabama, voted 73% to end its dry status, allowing countywide alcohol sales.
马歇尔郡,阿拉巴马州, 已经投票结束它的干燥状态, 允许酒精销售 在全州范围。 Marshall County, Alabama, has voted to end its dry status, allowing alcohol sales countywide. 全民投票被称为修正案一,获得了73%的选民批准。 The referendum, known as Amendment One, received 73% voter approval. 这一改变的目的是实现县的现代化,并为学校和道路改善等地方服务创造税收收入。 This change aims to modernize the county and generate tax revenue for local services like schools and road improvements. 将设立一个酒类审查委员会,负责监督销售许可证的发放工作,改革预计将于12月生效。 An alcohol review board will be established to oversee sales licenses, with changes expected to take effect as early as December. 人们注意到对青年和家庭的关切,但支持者看到更广泛的好处。 Concerns about youth and families were noted, but proponents see broader benefits.