服刑61年的囚犯Gregory Trigg在从密西西比州立监狱逃跑后被重新抓获。 Inmate Gregory Trigg, serving 61 years, was recaptured after escaping from Mississippi State Penitentiary.
Gregory Trigg是一名因武装抢劫和绑架等罪行被判处61年徒刑的囚犯,在从密西西比州立监狱逃跑后被重新抓获。 Gregory Trigg, an inmate serving a 61-year sentence for crimes including armed robbery and kidnapping, was recaptured after escaping from the Mississippi State Penitentiary. 自特里格越狱后,当局一直在追捕他,他的抓捕结束了正在进行的搜捕行动。 Trigg had been sought after by authorities since his escape, and his capture ends the ongoing manhunt. 密西西比惩教署计划以后提供更多详情。 The Mississippi Department of Corrections plans to provide more details later.