佐治亚州房主史蒂文·柯比用枪威胁越狱囚犯布鲁斯·帕廷,直到警察到来。 Georgia homeowner, Steven Kirby, held escaped inmate Bruce Partin at gunpoint until deputies arrived.
佐治亚州一名男子用枪指着越狱囚犯布鲁斯·道格拉斯·帕廷二世,直到警察到来,以保护自己的财产和家人。 A man in Georgia protected his property and family by holding an escaped inmate, Bruce Douglas Partin Jr., at gunpoint until deputies arrived. 帕廷逃离了汤斯县的工作岗位,后来被邻居发现。 Partin had escaped his work detail in Towns County and was later spotted by a neighbor. 房主的狗开始吠叫,警告他这一情况。 The homeowner's dog began barking, alerting him to the situation. 史蒂文·柯比拿起枪,命令帕廷趴在地上,并将他按在地上直到执法人员到来。 Steven Kirby retrieved his gun, ordered Partin to the ground, and kept him there until law enforcement arrived.