因谋杀罪服刑的囚犯保罗·迈克尔 (Paul Michael) 从三角州萨佩莱惩教所越狱。 Inmate Paul Michael, serving a murder sentence, escaped from Sapele Correctional Centre in Delta State.
正在服谋杀罪的囚犯保罗·迈克尔 (Paul Michael) 从三角州萨佩莱惩教所越狱,而这发生在新任州惩教主管雷蒙德·尼阿古 (Raymond Neagu) 上任后的第二天。 Inmate Paul Michael, serving a murder sentence, escaped from Sapele Correctional Centre in Delta State, just a day after the new State Corrections Controller, Raymond Neagu, took office. 该指挥部的发言人伊克楚库·伊洛巴 (Ikechukwu Iloba) 对尽管采取了严密的安全措施但仍发生越狱事件感到困惑。 The command's spokesperson, Ikechukwu Iloba, expressed bewilderment over the escape despite tight security measures. 一支搜救队已被派往寻找迈克尔,并且全州范围内加强了安全措施以便于将他抓获。 A search team has been sent to locate Michael, and security measures have been increased across the state to facilitate his recapture.