印度最高法院裁决工资和终止合同的纠纷是不可仲裁的,必须经过劳工当局处理。 India's Supreme Court rules wage and termination disputes are non-arbitrable, must go through labor authorities.
印度最高法院裁定,有关工资和雇员解雇的争议不可仲裁,必须由法定当局根据具体的劳动法处理。 The Supreme Court of India has ruled that disputes over wages and employee termination are non-arbitrable and must be handled by statutory authorities under specific labor laws. 法院对试图通过仲裁解决这一争议的雇主征收5万卢比的费用,认为这是滥用法律程序。 The court imposed a cost of Rs 5 lakh on an employer for attempting to resolve such a dispute through arbitration, deeming it an abuse of the legal process. 该决定重申,这些问题应由相关劳工当局处理,而不是通过仲裁解决。 This decision reaffirms that these issues should be addressed by the relevant labor authorities, not through arbitration.