国会最终确定了895.2B美元的国防法案,提高了部队的薪资,并限制变性者的保健。 Congress finalizes $895.2B defense bill with troop pay raise and restrictions on transgender health care.
国会领导人最后确定了8952亿美元的《国防授权法》(NDAA),包括提高初级部队14.5%的薪资和对变性者保健的新限制。 Congressional leaders have finalized the $895.2 billion National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), including a 14.5% pay raise for junior troops and new restrictions on transgender-related health care. 该法案概述了美国国防和安全优先事项,包括边境安全规定以及对军事学校多样性和包容性培训的限制。 The bill outlines U.S. defense and security priorities, and includes provisions for border security and limitations on diversity and inclusion training in military schools.