Evan Hardman和Ashley Rose Sweeting因谋杀Woodland Hills医生Hamid Mirshojae博士被捕。 Evan Hardman and Ashley Rose Sweeting arrested for the murder of Woodland Hills doctor, Dr. Hamid Mirshojae.
两名嫌犯,来自得克萨斯州的Evan Hardman和来自雷塞达的Ashley Rose Sweeting,因涉嫌谋杀Woodland Hills医生Hamid Mirshojae博士而被捕。 Hamid Mirshojae博士于8月在他诊所外被枪杀。 Two suspects, Evan Hardman from Texas and Ashley Rose Sweeting from Reseda, have been arrested in connection with the murder of Dr. Hamid Mirshojae, a Woodland Hills doctor, who was shot outside his clinic in August. 谋杀的动机仍不明朗,两名嫌疑人都有广泛的犯罪历史。 The motive for the murder remains unclear, and both suspects have extensive criminal histories. 洛杉矶警察局仍在调查此案,随着调查的继续,预计将有进一步详情。 The Los Angeles Police Department is still investigating the case, and further details are expected as the investigation continues.