在俄亥俄市,有两人被致命枪杀;疑犯Paul A. Boldman后来死于自杀。 In Ohio City, two people were fatally shot; suspect Paul A. Boldman later died by suicide.
在俄亥俄市,发现两人在Shelby M. Coats的住宅因枪伤死亡。 In Ohio City, two individuals were found dead from gunshot wounds at Shelby M. Coats' residence. 嫌犯Paul A. Boldman被发现在家中自枪自伤,后来在医院死亡。 The suspect, Paul A. Boldman, was found with a self-inflicted gunshot wound at his home and later died at the hospital. 一位朋友提醒当局说,Boldman供认了杀人事件,并计划自杀。 A friend had alerted authorities that Boldman confessed to the killings and planned suicide. 在多个机构的协助下,调查仍在进行中。 The investigation is ongoing with assistance from multiple agencies.