警察寻找Tyreek Randle,他是Adrianna Doyle谋杀案的第二名嫌疑人,Charles Basham正面临指控。 Police seek Tyreek Randle, second suspect in the murder of Adrianna Doyle, as Charles Basham faces charges.
Tulsa警察正在寻找Tyreek Randle。 Tyreek Randle是Adrian Doyle谋杀案的第二名嫌疑人,11月在她家中被发现中枪身亡。 Tulsa police are searching for Tyreek Randle, a second suspect in the murder of Adrianna Doyle, found shot to death in her home in November. Charles Basham已经被指控一级谋杀罪 Charles Basham is already charged with first-degree murder. 多伊尔,一个7岁孩子的母亲, 被母亲形容为慈爱和善良。 Doyle, a mother to a seven-year-old, was described by her mother as loving and kind. Basham利用各种记录被捕,Randle被发出重罪逮捕令,据信他参与了枪击。 Basham was arrested using various records, and a felony warrant is out for Randle, who is believed to have been involved in the shooting.