Purina工厂的雇员因假炸弹威胁一个月两次撤离。 Employees at a Purina plant were evacuated twice in a month due to fake bomb threats.
Williamsburg镇Purina工厂的雇员一个月两次因炸弹威胁被疏散。 Employees at a Purina plant in Williamsburg Township were evacuated twice in a month due to bomb threats. 在Porta Potty的一张纸条中发现,一枚炸弹被设好引爆装置,但在Clermont县警察局和防爆犬搜查后没有发现任何炸药。 A note found in a Porta Potty indicated a bomb was set to detonate, but no explosives were found after a search by the Clermont County Sheriff's Office and bomb-sniffing dogs. 这两起威胁都留在监视摄像头未覆盖的地区。 Both threats were left in areas not covered by surveillance cameras. 当局正在寻求公众提供任何信息。 Authorities are seeking any information from the public.