堪萨斯州McPherson县法院因炸弹威胁而疏散,没有发现爆炸物。 McPherson County Courthouse in Kansas evacuated due to bomb threat, no explosives found.
星期四下午,堪萨斯的McPherson县法院因一名地区法院雇员于下午2点42分收到炸弹威胁而疏散。 On Thursday afternoon, the McPherson County Courthouse in Kansas was evacuated following a bomb threat received by a district court employee at 2:42 PM. 打电话者声称三分钟后 炸弹就会爆炸 The caller claimed a bomb would detonate in three minutes. 当地执法和消防人员搜查了该地区,但没有发现爆炸物。 Local law enforcement and firefighters searched the area but found no explosives. 法院于下午3时29分清理完毕,建议公众避开该地区,而当局则强调报告可疑活动的重要性。 The courthouse was cleared by 3:29 PM, and the public was advised to avoid the area while authorities emphasized the importance of reporting suspicious activity.