手提式厕所的炸弹威胁通知导致俄亥俄州900名Nestle Purina工厂工人撤离。 Bomb threat note in a portable toilet led to the evacuation of 900 Nestle Purina factory workers in Ohio.
周一,俄亥俄州威廉斯堡镇(Williamsburg Township)的雀巢普瑞纳宠物护理(Nestle Purina PetCare)工厂的炸弹威胁导致近900名员工疏散。 A bomb threat written on a portable toilet wall caused the evacuation of nearly 900 employees at the Nestle Purina PetCare factory in Williamsburg Township, Ohio, on Monday. 威胁通知书于上午9时左右被发现,并导致Clermont县治安官办公室进行了两小时的搜查,并发现了嗅爆犬。 The threatening note was found around 9 a.m. and led to a two-hour search by the Clermont County Sheriff's Office and bomb-sniffing dogs. 中午之前工厂被清理完毕 调查还在继续 The factory was cleared by noon, and the investigation continues. 便携式厕所不在工厂监控摄像头的射程之内。 The portable toilet was outside the range of the factory's surveillance cameras.